How to Oil a Pole Saw | Maintenance Tips and Guide
Maintenance of a pole saw is very important for the performance and longevity. It has a lot of parts to maintain. But you need to concentrate most on the bar and the chain. These two parts come into frequent contact when it is running. If you don’t lubricate, it will cause serious damage to this chain and bar.When you got your pole saw running, the bar and chain comes in contact and have a lot of friction. The friction produces a lot of heat which could damage your saw. You will get all the guide and advice on how to oil a pole saw in this article.
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How to Oil a Pole Saw: Ultimate Guide for Newbie
For the long-term performance, proper oiling is a must. This is because you need to lubricate your saw regularly so that it works fine all the year round.
Find out The suitable one for your saw:
The best choice for your pole saw is the petrol oil. But there are a lot of brands who manufactures oil for pole saw. You can know more about them from the pole saw related buying guides. It would be the best for you to go for a brand which specifically manufactures lubricating oil for pole saw.
There are mainly two types of oil required for the pole saw. One is for summer and another one for winter.
Summer Oil
The pole saw produces a lot of heat while running. So it is really important what kinds of oil you should use for your chain saw. In summer the oil has to be thicker than the winter. Without that the oil will fly off soon and your pole saw will be slower and overheated.
But the thicker oil will help it to stick close with the pole saw. You will get this kind of advice in the manual from the manufacturer. They provide instructions for your pole saw to ensure the best use and maintenance of it. Don’t be upset if you miss the manual. You can contact them via their website, and they will help you to provide the perfect blend for your pole saw.
Winter Oil or Thinner Oil
In the winter season, you need to be more careful about using. The thinner oil is considered to be the best for your pole saw. When temperatures go down, cutting with this pole saw might be difficult. So you need to clean the bar regularly. Sharpening your chain and greasing your sprockets regularly will make your pole saw efficient.
But the most important thing in winter is lubricating the chain and bar using thinner oil. It will save your bar and from the corrosion in colder weather. If the temperature rises a bit the thinner oil won’t work well. It might be wasted more in summer because the thinner oil doesn’t adhere to the chain and the bar of greenworks pole saw.
Guides to Oil Your Pole Saw Properly :
Now let’s talk about how to add oil in a pole saw. In most cases, the oil tank can hold the similar level of fuel. So, when you need to refuel your pole saw again, you should add some oil in the reservoir of your pole saw.
To oil, your pole saw, first, set the pole saw level in the surface. The bar needs to be side down to lay the pole saw flat. Then clean it clearly with a damp cloth, and it will be ready for lubricating. Use a small funnel for the whole process.
Place the funnel into the open side of the reservoir. Then pour the oil slowly. Don’t overfill the reservoir or you have to face the real mess. After filling it, completely secure the cap and wipe the area using a damp cloth if there is excess oil around it.
You need to face some extra hassle too. That is to add some grease if there is a sprocket at the nose of the bar. You can do it easily using a grease gun.
More Advice :
- People use some cheaper motor oil in the bar and chain. Don’t do that influenced by them. Manufacturers strictly recommend not using it.
- Follow the manual as most of them mention to use the best oil for your pole saw. The oil, manufacturer, recommends that prevents the bar from slinging off the chain.
- Before lubricating, make sure that the bar and chain are open.
- Refill the tank as soon as the markdown to the warning.
There are different types of oil in the market. But you can’t use any of them for your pole saw. You should look not only for the best one but also the suitable one for your pole saw. But you should avoid the mess of a lot of oil types and check what the best suit for your pole saw is.
If you use vegetable oil for your bar and chain that won’t work well. Vegetable oil is not perfect for very hot or cold temperatures. But you can use that where there are petrol is not allowed for the environmental pollution. Though it is a condition that you would probably bound to use it, avoid it for long-term use.
Some people also use old motor oil for their pole saw. It may make the condition more fragile. Old motor oil is filled with the small debris. It can hack the bar and damage the chain of your saw. This is because you should select the perfect and suitable oil for your pole saw.
Adding the oil increases the durability of the pole saw. If you avoid lubricating the chain and bar will face more friction, and it can produce more heat. This heat might cause corrosion and damage further. The motor oil or vegetable oil is also harmful as they burn up the bar and chain.
The right choice of oil extends the longevity. You don’t need to search for the lubricating formula here and there. Your manufacturer already provides the best options for your pole saw. The recommendation of the manufacturer has widely tested for pole saws. So keep your pole saw sharp and easy with lubricating it in time.
Last update on 2025-03-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API