How to Change Table Saw Blade Without Wrench Included?
Table saw is a pretty common tool to handle for carpenters and woodworking DIYers. And the usage includes occasional maintenance of this precise tool as well. To do so, one must change blades once in a while and ensure sharpness is being used in the right manner.
Most table saw manufacturers do include a wrench or set that helps in changing the blade. It’s, of course, risky to try any replacement without a flexible wrench.
Let’s talk more about how to change table saw blade without wrench that was provided by the manufacture.
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How to Change Table Saw Blade Without Wrench & Substitutable Tools
Once you get an affordable jobsite table saw things become easier with regular projects. But as soon as the blades start erupting, you need to check whether it needs replacement or repair.
In case of a replacement, it’s best to use a wrench and not your hands. Because that invites multiple risks to your table saw. However, if you have no way of using the included wrench then there should be some way out. We’ll be talking about that below.
Turning Power Off
Safety is probably the most important consideration one needs to have while dealing with power tools. As you see, these are pretty dangerous when not handled the right way. You need to make sure the power switch of your table saw is turned off.
Just for better security, go and unplug it from the power outlet completely. Let it stay that way for a while. So, power can drain out of the machine wholly. At the end of the day, it’s best to avoid any accident no matter big or small. So do ensure you take the precaution without neglecting.
Remove the Plate That Covers Blade
Different table saw models come with various designs. And so, the blade plate identifying process may vary. You need to go check manual for proper information about the blade plate’s location.
Usually, the plate sits right on the bottom surface of this tool. There should be around two screws used for securing the plate well. Simply loosen these screws and get the metal plate out. Keep it somewhere safe for reassembling after you are done with changing the blade.
Elimination of Blade
After getting plate out, it’s time for the blade. You need to raise it to the maximum height for ease of removal. The arbor should be responsible for holding blade. So, you need to get rid of the arbor nut to move ahead.
This is the part where you require the manufacturer provided wrench. But since you don’t have it for some reason, here are a few ways to tackle the situation.
Instead of the manufacturer’s provided wrench, you can simply use any regular one. The ones that help in adjustments will work here just fine.
The open hand wrenches are also applicable for removing blade. So, if you own one, make use of it here.
In case you lack one wrench meant to keep the blade in place, then simply use a wooden block. This will easily stop any sort of turning by wedging teeth so that you can use the only wrench for loosening arbor nut. You can also get a blade lock for the same reason. In some smaller versions of table saw there’s a mechanism called arbor lock that functions the same as well.
You can also use a pair of pliers to slightly loosen the nut and then use your hands for rather untightening. However, this is a bit risky so you should wear extremely robust and safeguarding gloves.
Once you are done getting those screws out, go for the washer next and eliminate it as well. Finally, get the blade out gradually and safely to set it aside.
Time for The New Blade
You need to put the new blade in place of where old one was located. Make sure the placement is exactly the same as how your earlier blade used to follow. Teeth of blade usually face the person in charge. So, make sure it never faces away from you. Replace those washer and arbor nut in case of damage.
Fit them nicely in place of old ones and tighten them. Usually, you need to go clockwise for screwing them back.
Get Everything Back to Its Original Spot
Install the blade plate back using screwdrivers and tighten everything securely. Everything should be on its original spot. And after that, you can plug in the saw to a power outlet. check where the blade is running in right way. If there’s any trouble, then go for another session of dissembling to find the cause and solve it.
Things to Keep in Mind
When tightening the screws or nuts, you don’t want to overdo it. This will cause a jam and for next time replacement, you’ll have problems.
It’s better to read the manual completely before trying anything at all. You should make sure that the warranty is safe with whatever adjustments you’re about to do.
If after the replacement your table saw starts acting weirdly, you may have done something wrong. Go to a professional right away to not let the danger settle and overtake your tool.
Final Verdict
This was my take on how to change table saw blade without wrench in a situation that is absolutely unignorable. However, I do believe that for proper replacement and to ensure safety of your tool, it’s best to get the wrench included.
The wrench is a very important tool to make blade replacement in a table saw. And you are probably risking safety by trying to replace a blade more than several times without the wrench. So maybe in extreme need, this could be the only option you have. But don’t make it the usual replacement strategy. You should not compromise the safety of your tool in any way.
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