
Category Archives for "MITER SAW"

How To Unlock A Hitachi Miter Saw- Easy Steps

People usually face trouble while using Hitachi saw; they complain that unlocking their miter is confusing. It took them hours of meaningless effort to figure out the procedure.  Seriously? If you know how to unlock a Hitachi miter saw, you can do that within seconds? Hitachi tools usually come with diverse locking anatomies such as […]

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How to Change the Blade on a Makita Miter Saw

Ever felt any wobbling while woodworking? Or any binding on guard? Hence, you must inspect the blade under the guard and see if it needs any changes. If you have a Makita miter saw, then replacing the blade is much easier. Makita miter saw has a 10-inch body that can cut 4×4 piece of wood […]

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How to Cut a 120 Degree Angle on a Miter Saw for a Beginner

Miter saw is one of the life-saving tools for craftsmanship. Whenever you are to cut or make anything well-defined from wood, a miter saw will come across to your mind. The reason is miter saw can cut any angle up to 45 degrees very accurately and its easy-to-use without any in-depth knowledge. Miter saw is […]

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How to cut a 70 Degree Angle with a Miter Saw?

Miter saw comes for making your woodworking project nice and perfect. The users can easily make the angles near 45 degrees using a miter saw. They need to get ready with initial preparation and safety alerts and simply cut the desired angle in the mentioned range.  What if the user needs to cut a 70 […]

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How to cut a 22.5 degree angle on a miter saw like a pro?

Installing molding or baseboard for your residence requires cutting a 22.5-degree angle on a miter saw. In case, you do not know the proper way of cutting the desired angle, your project will not be implemented smoothly.  Most of the homeowners face trouble in relevant projects for ignorance about this. But as a smart homeowner, […]

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